
Linens and Wickels

Linen. The fabric. A hydrotherapist’s magic partner! Especially the linen used in the German-made Kneipp wraps. They form the basis for what I am starting to call my “Oh my gawwd, I feel AMAZING” wraps.

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Kneipp Therapy; Why the Excitement?

I’ve been a naturopathic physician for 25+ years now, and steeped in natural living concepts for going on 40 years, and yet nothing excites me, or satisfies me quite like Fr. Kneipp’s system, philosophy and practice.

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Healing: What Is It and How Do We Do It?

I am a devotee of healing. I think about it, read about it, study it, sing about, dream about it, you get the idea. Something to do with healing is usually what’s on my mind. I am fascinated by Nature and all of its processes, but particularly those having to do with self-restoration. So, what is healing?

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Nelson Mandela showed us how it was done. How to cooperate for the greater good, without sacrificing respect and dignity and freedom for all. It’s important that we all remember, that as great as he was, as great as Martin Luther King was, as great as Gandhi was, none of them did it alone.

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Biology, Medicine and Economics

Okay, I just have to have a little rant as this Zika virus situation ramps up. Part of my rant is to reinforce the idea that medical scientists and personnel have to remember that human health and disease is a subset of the field of biology…

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Learn the theory and practice of natural therapeutics and Kneipp Therapy with Dr. Nancy Welliver, ND
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